Final Reflection

As I look back on this semester, my largest challenge was not in the course itself, but in finding a balance between work, school, and my family.  I am a full-time fourth grade teacher, which as many of you know is more than a full-time job.  Almost every night I had some type of lesson to plan, newsletter to write, or paper to grade.  I am also a full-time mom to a three-year-old boy and an eleven-month-old girl, which as many of you also know is MUCH more than a full-time position.  There were swimming lessons to attend, baths to be taken, and bedtime stories to be read nightly.  I have been out of school for over six years, so trying to get back into the routines of a student’s life, was extremely challenging for me.

I believe that my best artifact was either my RSS in Education Lesson Plan, or my School Evaluation Summary.  I enjoyed creating the RSS in Education Lesson Plan, and look forward to implementing it in my classroom.  I also enjoyed evaluating my school using the Maturity Model Benchmarks Rubric.  It really allowed me to look at how far my school has come in the past few years, and how much further I would like to see it grow in the next few years.

As a result of this course I plan on implementing my RSS in Education Lesson Plan.  Furthermore, as a member of my school’s Technology Team, I plan on taking the work that I did on the School Evaluation Summary to my team and sharing my findings.  My hope is that it will open some eyes to what we as educators need to be doing more of for our students with technology.