Whitespace Project

For this weeks image, I used Adobe Photoshop to create an image showing four different shapes and their lines of symmetry.  It is a very simple image.  There is a triangle showing one line of symmetry, a rectangle showing two lines of symmetry, a decagon showing ten lines of symmetry, and a hexagon showing six lines of symmetry.

Whitespace Project

This image is intended for fourth grade students who are in middle of a geometry unit.  The students will have already gone over points, lines, line segments, rays, angles, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and polygons with multiple sides.

I believe that this image will help the students see the difference in how many lines of symmetry various polygons have.  I used whitespace in this image to separate the four images from each other.

For my user-test, I had my husband look at my image.  He felt like the whitespace separated them nicely, as it was clear to him that they were separate images.  His only recommendation was to number each shape with how many lines of symmetry they each had.  I am not sure if I want to do this or not, as I like how clean and simple the image is.  Any thoughts?