Building Basics in Second Life

Screenshot (18).png

This is a screenshot of a SUPER simple basic build in Second Life. This object is actually called a prim, which is any object built in Second Life.  This is a simple picture that I created from images that were given to me in my inventory.  I tried to make the image a little more artistic be putting three images into one canvas, kind of mimicking a photo reel. I also chose to make the image brighter than it originally was.  Finally, I chose to make this image for sale.  This way, other avatars can purchase this picture to have in their inventory, hang in a building or gallery, or give to someone else.

Although there was no true purpose behind this build, besides to get some building basics under my belt, it allowed me to dive into object building, get my feet wet, and learn about what types of things I can change when it comes to my object.  What I found is that you can literally build ANY object you want.  In the tutorial I watched, the speaker showed shoes that she had created! You can take one object, or prim, and continue to build onto it with other prims to create hats, castles, or even cars!

Even though my building capabilities are pretty minimal at the present, it is encouraging and even exciting to see all of the different kids of things that can be built starting with one simple prim.

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