Code of Professional Ethics in Educational Technology

I have to be honest.  When I first saw that we were studying a chapter and focusing on professional ethics, I was not real excited.  I thought, “Do we really need to study this?  Isn’t it just common sense?”  Looking back on my thoughts, I cannot help but think of something one of my favorite teachers said to me: “Common sense is not that common.”  This statement is so true.

When I really dived into chapter eleven in our book, “Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary,” it made me really think about these ethics and specifically how they apply to technology.  I have always followed a code of ethics as a teacher, but have never really put a lot of thought into applying those codes directly to technology until now.  When I reflect on the situation in my community that I wrote about, I have realized that these codes of ethics are interlaced in the situation.  I felt like one code was being met, while another code was not being met.  As educators, we must work hard and be very thoughtful about all of the codes.  We need to make sure that while meeting one code, we are not violating another code.  Each code should be thought about and addressed equally.

Here is the link to my paper, “Too Much Technology?”  on Google Doc: