Digital Divide/Digital Inequality

Follow this link to see my presentation on the Digital Divide/Digital Inequality:

I have created many presentations in my life, but I can honestly say I have never put a lot of thought into any multimedia principles.  When researching these principles, my first thought with them was that many of them are common sense. Not putting too much writing on the slides and paying attention to the style of the slides all seems like common sense to me and is something I have done in numerous presentations throughout the years.  However, I think many times I get lost in creating the slides, that I neglect the actual presentation and speaking part of it.  Through this assignment, I was able to put more thought and attention to having a script and speaker notes to follow, so I was not only reading the information that is already on the slides.  Also, I was able to put a focus on staying on the slide that I was currently talking about.

The terms Digital Divide and Digital Inequality are new terms to me.  I have never heard these terms before.  However, after doing research and discovering what these terms mean, they are not new ideas to me.  I have always seen the Digital Divide, especially in my classroom.  Digital Inequality took a little more thinking for me, but it is also very present both in my classroom and the school where I work.

I plan on taking the information I have learned through this assignment right back to my students.  As fourth graders, they are required to write a persuasive paper on any topic.  What greater topic to give them than something that will directly affect them now and in their immediate future?

If I had more time, I would improve this artifact by including more visuals/videos.  I know through the research of multimedia principles, that images should be limited.  I agree with this, but also feel that visuals such as graphs and charts can be very informative.  I also think that certain images or even videos can really hold the audience’s attention.  I think a good balance is always important.